If you have any problems with cars, motorcycles and other things in Sakai City, go to Toyoda Motor Corporation.
General maintenance, sheet metal painting, vehicle inspection, new and used car sales, motorcycles, jet skis
We can also repair dents and scratches on your car or motorcycle that you cherish.
We will judge by looking at the situation of the car, and we will propose repairs and estimates that suit you.

Company ProfileInformation

Store name Toyoda Motor Corporation
Street address 〒590-0106
978-2 Toyoda, Minami-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka
phone number TEL: 072-297-0201
business hours 9:00~18:00
Regular holiday Sundays and holidays
credit VISA / Mastr Card / JCB

Representative greetingsGreeting

Representative Junpei Nishida


Thank you for visiting our factory website. The motto of Toyoda Motor Corporation for three generations is "Providing personalized services" I myself love all kinds of engine-powered vehicles as much as I am curious and take on a competitive jet ski.

At our factory, we support not only all manufacturers but also domestic cars and imported cars, so I think that it can be used by all young and old men and women.
We are sincerely cooperating with you so that you can keep your precious car / machine in perfect condition for as long as possible, so if you have any trouble in Sakai City, please do not hesitate to contact us.